Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Clearly and Concisely Attracting Attention

Clearly and Concisely Attracting Attention We could compose an endless list of all that is necessary tomanage a successful executive career but if we look only at thetop of the list, it will begin with aprofessional resume and following that isa Linkedin profile.In order to generate opportunities a resumemust attract the attention of decision makers but equally important is the message you are sending. If you do not clearly and concisely relay what it is you have to offer or what you are looking for you will not attractattention andopportunities will be lost. A professionalresume accompanied by a cover letteroffering further clarification will ensure there is noconfusion regarding your qualifications and suitability in relationto the positions you are applying for. A Linkedin profile mustalso present a clear message with a detailed account of current and past positions and accomplishments. Regular status updates of a professional and focused nature will ensure differentiation and acompelling, visible brand. Ensure your profile contains pertinent keywords that HR professionals and recruiters are using tosearch for potential candidates.When you send an invitation toconnect on Linkedin DO NOT send the defaultmessage: Id like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. If you have met the individual,let them know where and when. If you are acquainted in another way, elaborate. It is important toclearly indicate who you are and why you want toadd them to your professional network on Linkedin.Not everyone will allocate thetime toreviewa profileto discover who someone is. It has been said more thanthan a million times for a reason,first impressions count! If you send a compelling personal message which clearly relays what you have to offer andwhat you are looking for you have set the stage fora potentialopportunity. John Brownhas sent an Linkedin invitation.He states hemet you at a networking event and has been targeting a company you used to work for and would like to know if you could provide him with a contact name. He also notes he would be happy to provide some social media support as you had mentioned during the event you were looking for someone.Will you accept the invitation? LisaSmith sends aLinkedin invitation stating she is a research scientist and also amember ofa group that you are active in and is interested in connecting to further exchange information on a specific topic of mutual interest.Will you accept the invitation? Ted Jones sends an invitation that says, Id like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn. Has he provided a clear and concise message to attract your attention? Why would you accept this invitation? If you choose to accept simply to add a contact, will you ever remember who this individual is?

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